Andy Barneycastle, AMTA, April 26, 2007
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Andrew G. Barneycastle, February 19, 1932 - April 26, 2007


Andy Barneycastle was one of the first members of the AMTA, and while he was never able to attend a reunion he was always a strong supporter of the AMTA.  Some of us never knew Andy but we all admired him and his dedication to our new association that was founded for the purpose of bringing more and more AMTs together.  We will miss Andy for the short time we are separated from our friend and fellow AMT.....

Andy and Betty Barneycastle 2006

Andy a few years earlier in his life....

The following was written and submitted to the AMTA by Andy's daughter, Sally Barneycastle
Andrew Gilbert Barneycastle was born February 19, 1932 in Gastonia to Newell Barneycastle and Alma Jean Barneycastle. Andy attended school in Gastonia but life being as it was then, Andy never graduated high school and wanted something better. He had very strong work ethics as he had to help with the work at home plus go to school. He joined the United States Air Force January 1951.  It was there he received his GED.  He married Betty Sue Barneycastle September 15, 1951.   Andy re-enlisted in the Air Force four times.  The first was in 1955. The second was in 1961.  The third was in 1965.  He returned home  in April of 1971. Andy was one of the first members of the AMTA joining one year at a time. In 2004 he was made a life time member.  Andy and Betty had three children. Stanley was the oldest born in 1955.  Jean was the middle born in 1957 and then me, Sally was born in 1965.  They had 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.  After Andy's Air Force career he held various jobs.  They ranged from working at a local television station to sorting mail.  He finally accepted a job working as a Security Electronic Specialist with the postal inspectors in Charlotte, N.C.  He traveled North and South Carolina installing security equipment in post offices and maintaining.  He received a certificate of appreciation for the security work he did during the Jim Baker trial. He retired from the Post office in 1993.  That gave him 40 years Federal Service.  Andy became an avid HAM radio operator (KS4DP) holding the highest of license he could earn.  He was also a certified tester.  Along with Betty they began traveling in their motor home and seeing many places.  We were lucky if they were at home 3 months of the year. He began to have trouble with his health in 2003.  In April of 2003 he was diagnosed with stage 4 clear cell renal cancer.  He underwent four major surgeries and under went 51 treatments of interleukin 2.  An immunotherapy  that was only approved in the U.S. in the late 1990s.  That required him to spend a week at a time in the hospital for each round.  He under went radiation until he maxed out and could not have any more in early 2007.  He tried two different newly approved cancer drugs that did not provide the results the doctors had hoped for.   In early 2007 was when the doctors stopped all treatments and just tried to manage pain.  In March of 2007 Hospice was called in.  We were blessed to have an Angel come into our lives and help us prepare for the time Daddy would leave us.  Daddy never gave up during his battle.  That is until the Lord came to take him home. On the morning of April 25, 2007 I was called from work because he had collapsed.  I called the Hospice nurse to get him into bed.  He was unresponsive from that point on.  He remained fixed on the window.  Late that night we called the Hospice nurse again because the process had began.  She came and prepared daddy and talked to us and said he will not make it till morning.  All the family was there to see him and say their goodbyes.  Mom sat by his bedside, us kids piled up in recliners and on the couch.  At 3:30 am on April 26, 2007 he took his last breath.  Andy had went to be with his Heavenly Father. I know this because he accepted the Lord as his savior three years prior.  He attended church every Sunday until his body just would not let him.

Thank you, Sally Barneycastle

SSgt Andy Barneycastle Andy Barneycastle Lifetime member AMTA