"the WIREBENDER" is available through the AMTA. Contact Whitey Gross for the latest and archive copies of the newsletter. CLICK HERE to contact Whitey. "the WIREBENDER" is available on the AMTA Website for everyone. If you need a paper copy mailed to you CLICK HERE to contact the AMTA Secretary, Mike McLaughlin - or 830-995-4109 AMTA members and potential members can receive electronic copies of archived "the WIREBENDER" (AMTA SEMI ANNUAL NEWS) FREE of charge. CLICK HERE to contact Whitey Gross. To provide comments or an article to the "the WIREBENDER" CLICK HERE. CLICK HERE for the CURRENT "the WIREBENDER" CLICK HERE for PAST copies of the "the WIREBENDER" or THE AMTA SEMI-ANNUAL NEWS..... The "the WIREBENDER" is your newsletter. It is for every member of the AMTA. Whitey Gross is the editor and he cherishes inputs from everyone. We make every effort to publish "the WireBender" twice each year. If we do not have sufficient news or information to pass on we may publish only one during the year. Please share with Whitey information that would be of interest to everyone. We can have as many pages in "the WireBender" as we have information to print. Thanks for your continued support. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning this website CLICK HERE to contact Johnnie Estes |